The Mishna in Avos says: An evil eye takes a person out of this world.
Some of the commentators explain that an evil eye in this context is referring to a person who is jealous. He has an evil eye in regards to a his fellow's possessions or accomplishments. Therefore the mishna is telling us that jealousy takes a person out of this world. When a person is jealous he is always looking to what his fellow has and constantly feels inadequate (there is always someone who is better, greater, prettier, wealthier etc) he is never happy with his lot. This type of situation takes a person from this world as they can never experience life, they are always chasing their neighbor.
Although it is difficult to internalize we must understand that everything we have is just right for us. G-d assigns each person a special job in life and provides him with the tools that are required to do it. Our problem is that we have a hard time realizing what our job is. I once heard a great parable from R'Akiva Tatz. A computer programmer isn't jealous that his friend the carpenter has a hammer and he doesn't, why not? Because the programmer realizes that for him to accomplish his job he doesn't need a hammer and if you would give him a hammer and take away his computer he wouldn't be able to do his job. The carpenter as well has no interest in a computer because he won't be able to put any nail in the wall with a computer (maybe in a few years he will be able to :), instead he wants a hammer.
May we all merit to understand the special job we have been given in life and be happy with the tools we have to accomplish it.
All those on the East Coast stay safe and warm!
Shabbat Shalom,