Subject: In Memory of Baruch Yitzchak ben Yirmiyahu (Barry Pessin)
From: Heath Berkin <>
Date: 6/17/2016, 5:05 AM
To: Heath Berkin <>

The Mishna in Avos (4;2) says that a "Mitzva brings about another Mitzva....and the reward of a Mitzvah is a Mitzvah"

The commentators explain that when a person performs a good deed he draws himself closer to G-d and creates a spiritual reality. This new spiritual reality then pushes him to perform similar good deeds as well. The result is that doing one Mitzvah brings him to do another Mitzvah.

Additionally, when a person performs a good deed he receives reward from G-d for this; by receiving this reward this is in fact another Mitzvah as Hashem's "desire" is to bestow good upon man. Therefore when he performs a good deed he fulfills G-d's Will and by receiving the reward for the mitzvah he also fulfills G-d's Will.

Unfortunately, the Mishna also tells us the opposite is true. By sinning we draw upon ourselves more sin and create a downward cycle. It seems that the best advice for someone who sins (besides for repenting) is to try and quickly perform a mitzvah thereby reversing his spiritual direction. We are never static we are always getting closer to G-d or further away C'V.

May we all strive to constantly grow closer through our good deeds.

Shabbat Shalom,
