Subject: In Memory of Baruch Yitzchak ben Yirmiyahu (Barry Pessin)
From: Heath Berkin <>
Date: 7/1/2016, 6:01 AM
To: Heath Berkin <>

The Mishna in Avos (4;4) says Rebbi Levitas from Yavneh said " a person should be exceedingly humble (a lowly spirit), because a man's end is to decay (in the grave)".

Rebbi Levitas praises the quality of humility saying that in regards to this trait a person should be exceptionally humble. I all other traits a person should look for the middle ground but when it comes to humility he should be extremely humble. When a person does some introspection and realizes who he really is and what his end will be it will bring him to this understanding.

One of the best ways to contemplate this is by looking at the world and nature around us. When we realize that all of these things are G-d's creations it fill us with a sense of tremendous humility. This doesn't mean a person doesn't realize his unique value, nature and contribution to the world but it does allow him to gain a better perspective. If you ever gaze out at the open sky and look at the stars a person looks to the vast universe and realizes how small he really is. Next time you are on a mountain top,at the beach, our flying in a plane just look out to the vast sky or water in front of you which is seemingly endless and realize this was all created by G-d. It will fill a person with tremendous awe and humility.

The Yavetz gives a parable to this: There were two men who were equally wealthy but one lived in a far off village while the other lived in the big city. The man in the village felt extremely wealthy as he had so much more than everyone around him, this filled him with pride and haughtiness. His friend on the other hand, was in the city around some of the most successful and wealthy businessmen and royalty. His wealth paled in comparison to his neighbors and was never a source of pride driving him to haughtiness.

A person is filled with pride because he forgets reality. All of his greatness is only relative to his surroundings and is nothing in comparison to G-d. This is why our sages say that a person who is haughty it is as if he serves idols. Haughtiness can only creep into a person's heart if they forget G-d on some level.

Shabbat Shalom,
