Subject: In Memory of Baruch Yitzchak ben Yirmiyahu (Barry Pessin)
From: Heath Berkin <>
Date: 6/30/2017, 5:14 AM
To: Heath Berkin <>
The Mishna in Avos (5;18) says that "whoever causes the public to merit, a sin will not come to his hand".
The Sages explain that someone who strengthens others spiritually.,teaches them Torah and helps them find the true path in life, won't come to sin. The reason is because their sinning will create a situation where the people he strengthened are in Olam Haba the World-to-come and the teacher is in purgatory.
This seems a bit difficult because nobody is perfect even the greatest teachers. If so how could they ever sin? I think it is possible to explain that Hashem Gives these people special protection so they won't inadvertently sin. Obviously everyone has free choice and can decide to sin but he is saved at least from inadvertent sins.
Everyone can merit this special protection by causing the public to merit as well. We have many opportunities to strengthen or teach others spiritually in our day-to-day interactions. You may be able to teach someone about a specific mitzva or actually get them to fulfill that mitzva. You may be able to have a conversation with a friend and prove to them the existence of G-d. We can all look to influence those around us in a positive way and merit this special blessing.