Subject: In Memory of Baruch Yitzchak ben Yirmiyahu (Barr Pessin)
From: Heath Berkin <>
Date: 12/8/2017, 3:18 AM
To: Heath Berkin <>
The Mishna in Avos (6;6) continues on with the list of 48 "traits" a person needs to acquire Torah. The last of these 48 is that a person when he quotes something he should say it the name of the person who he is quoting. The Mishna says whoever says something over in the name of the person who says it brings redemption to the world. The proof the Mishna gives to this idea is that wehn Queen Esther told King Achashverosh that there was a conspiracy to kill him, she said this piece of information over in the name of Moredechai. This eventually led to the promotion of Mordechai in the kings court and the eventual downfall of Haman and salvation of the Jewish People. (This teaching may have been the precursor of plagiarizing :) You will see that when people relate an idea or teaching in regards to Torah they usually quote the source of the Rabbi who made this statement. But from the proof the Mishna brings for this concept from Queen Esther, really applies in all settings.
If you are in work and someone comes up with an idea, you obviously shouldn't steal it and pretend it is your own, but you should even make sure that you relate who's idea it was.