Subject: In Memory of Baruch Yitzchak ben Yirmiryahu (Barry Pessin)
From: Heath Berkin <>
Date: 12/15/2017, 4:10 AM
To: Heath Berkin <>
The Mishna in Avos (6;11) says that "everything Hashem created in this world was only created for His Honor". This statement has very deep meaning. G-d is all powerful and infinite He Doesn't need honor or anything else and we certainly can't provide Him with anything, so why would He need to create the world. One way to understand this is that the entire world was created in order to reveal to us and so we could recognize G-d's Honor, our awareness doesn't add or subtract to His Honor, but it does increase our closeness to G-d when we realize His Honor.
This statement can be understood to explain a very deep question of why did G-d create the world. Obviously when we research and contemplate everything in creation it increases our awareness of G-d's Honor, but the most powerful thing we can do to reveal His Honor is by following His Will. This can be understood in terms of a king of flesh and blood. The larger the king's kingdom, the more soldiers, subjects and servants he has performing his will, the greater show of honor it will be. When we make our focus increasing the Honor of G-d in the world this makes us a partner in Hashem's intent to create the world.