Subject: In Memory of Baruch Yitzchak ben Yirmiyahu (Barry Pessin)
From: Heath Berkin <>
Date: 2/16/2018, 3:07 AM
To: Heath Berkin <>

In this weeks parsha we read about the construction of the Tabernacle which was built for the Jewish People in the wilderness.
In the holiest place of the Tabernacle was the Aron HaKodesh, the holy ark, which contained the two tablets which Moshe received from Hashem with the ten commandments inscribed on them.

When G-d commanded us to build the ark, the verse states that "you should make a wooden ark", and then it should "be covered with gold". The commentators explain that the ark was in fact comprised of three "boxes" which were opened at the top.First there was a gold box, and inside this gold box was placed a wooden box, inside the wooden box there was placed another gold box. The result was the wooden box was surrounded by gold on the outside and the inside.

The significance and symbolism needs to be understood. There was no lack of money to build the tabernacle so why didn't they construct the entire ark from gold? Furthermore, the ark should be referred to as a "golden ark" not a "wooden ark". I heard from R'Elimelech Biderman an explanation as follows:

The gold represents the good and easy times we have in life, the "golden years" when everything goes like we want it to go. But inside the golden periods there are times when we are faced with difficulties, tests and tribulations, it is like a hard brick of wood. We must understand though that the purpose of our existence is to stand up to the tests we are faced with and to overcome them. It is these tests and challenges that we overcome that form and mold us into the people we are, our real essence is brought out through these difficulties. Therefore the wood of the ark is "the real ark", it is a wooden ark, it is the difficult times that define us, not the golden times.

Chodesh Tov, a wonderful new month of Adar to everyone, it is time to be happy!

Shabbat Shalom,

