Subject: In Memory of Baruch Yitzchak ben Yirmiyahu (Barry Pessin)
From: Heath Berkin <>
Date: 7/12/2019, 3:40 AM
To: Heath Berkin <>

In this week's parsha we read the story of the wicked Bilam and Balak who conspired to curse and destroy the Jewish People. Of course their intial plan was foiled and instead of cursing they ended up blessing the Jewish People.

 Bilaam says in one of his blessings that the  so "says the man with a closed eye....speak the one who hears the words of G-d fallen with revealed eyes".

Rabbi Elimelech Biderman said in the name of the Shelah-

When a person is a "man" in his strength and success his eye is closed he doesn't recognize or attribute anything to G-d. When do his eyes open up and G-d is revealed to him, when does he hear the words of G-d only when he is fallen. When things are going well in life we tend to "forget" about G-d in our lives. In many cases it takes so shock or unfortunate event for us to be awakened to G-d's Presence  and rule.

The more a person can recognize Hashem in all situations, even when things are going well, he will be able to prevent any need for an awakening through unfortunate events Chas V'shalom.

Shabbat Shalom,
