Subject: In Memory of Baruch Yitzchak ben Yirmiyahu (Barry Pessin)-5781 Shemini
From: Heath Berkin <>
Date: 4/9/2021, 9:23 AM
To: Heath Berkin <>

I heard a heartwarming story this past week which many of you may have heard as well.

The story was told over by Rabbi Jacobson.

In 1945 towards the end of WW2, there were a number of religious Jews who were living under communist rule in Russia. In preparation for Passover the Skulener Rebbe received special permission to bake a limited number of Matzot for the upcoming holiday. Every jew that came to him was given one Matza for their seder, but someone who was an esteemed rabbi and conducting a seder for a group of people was given three matzot.

Moshe Hagar, the son of the "Seret Vihznitz" Rebbe approached the Skulener Rebbe and asked for the three matzot for his father. The Skulener Rebbe happily obliged and handed Moshe Hagar three matzot for his father. Mosher Hagar turned to the Skulener Rebbe and asked him for three more matzot. The Skulener Rebbe replied that he would be happy to give him more but it wouldn't be fair to everyone else. Moshe Hagar continued to press the Skulener Rebbe and asked again in the name of his father for another three matzot. This exchange happened a few more times until the Skulener Rebbe finally relent to the request of the Seret Vihznitz Rebbe and handed Moshe Hagar another three matzot for his father.

The afternoon before the seder the Skulener Rebbe heard a knock on his door, when he answered he saw Moshe Hagar standing in the doorway. Moshe Hagar asked the Skulener Rebber in the name of his father, if there were any more matzot! The Skulener Rebbe answered that there were no more matot left. Mosher Hagar asked the Skulener Rebbe "what about your personal matzot?" The Skulener Rebbe replied that he had saved one matzah for himself but earlier that morning a eldery jewish woman came to him and begged him for matzot so he gave her the one matzah he had saved for himself, so he has absolutely no matza to give Moshe Hagar.

Moshe Hagar turned to the Skulener Rebbe and said "my father thought that this is what would happen". Mosher Hagar then reached into the bag he was carrying and pulled out three matzot and handed them to the Skulener Rebbe. He told him "my father wanted to save these for you".

Shabbat Shalom,

May Hashem grant all of our sick brothers and sisters a speedy recovery.
