Subject: In Memory of Baruch Yitzchak ben Yirmiyahu (Barry Pessin)- Chaye Sarah 5782
From: Heath Berkin <>
Date: 10/29/2021, 9:33 AM
To: Heath Berkin <>

In this week's Parsha we read about the death of Sarah Imeinu and Avraham's efforts to secure a proper place for her burial. Avraham chose the cave in field of Efron, Maarat HaMachpela, which is commonly referred to as the Cave of the Patriarchs to bury Sarah. When Avraham initial approached Efron about buying this piece of land, Efron exclaimed that he would give this Avraham for free, in the end Efron reneged on his offer and not only sold it to Avraham but sold it to him for an exorbitant price. I read that in today's estimates the amount of silver Avraham paid is worth over 8 Million Dollars!

Our sages teach us from this episode that a person should not behave like Efron "by saying a lot and doing little" instead they teach us that we should act like Avraham Avinu who told the angels he would provide for them food, and provided them a lavish meal, "say a little and do a lot".

This is something that happens often. We may make a commitment to our spouses, children or friends and although we may not break the commitment we don't do it to the fullest extent that we had committed to. We rationalize by telling ourselves that we still fulfilled our commitment and furthermore we may have not been obligated in any way to do anything in the first place, nevertheless our Sages teach us that we should fulfill our words as stated. I believe the advice they say and it is obviously taken from our sages "underpromise and overperform".

May all of our sick brothers and sisters have a speedy recovery!

Shabbat Shalom,
