Subject: In Memory of Shmuel Leib ben Zvi (Lewis Berkin) & Baruch Yitzchak ben Yirmiyahu (Barry Pessin) 5784- Parah
From: Heath Berkin <>
Date: 3/29/2024, 10:14 AM
To: Heath Berkin <>

This week we read Parsha Parah which explains the procedure of the red heifer. The red heifer was used in order to purify people who are spiritually impure due to (being in contact) with a dead body. The Torah calls the procedure a Chok- which is understood to mean a commandment which we don't have a logical explanation of how it works. We accept the commandment because Hashem told us to and not because we do or don't understand the reasoning or mechanism of how it works. 

This is the same way we should approach anything that is from Hashem. We experience many things in life which we don't understand and in many times seems contradictory to our understanding of Hashem as only bestowing good.

R'Elimelech Biderman shared a parable to illustrate this point. A father hears his baby crying in the middle of the night and goes to see what is wrong. He sees that the baby's bottle is empty and the baby is hungry which is why he is crying. The father takes the bottle from the baby in order to prepare for him more formula. When the father takes the bottle away the baby starts crying even more. From the baby's perspective the father has made the situation even worse by taking the bottle away. The father though is obviously only looking out to give to his baby. The father warms up water, prepares the formula and then allows it cool down before giving it to his child. The entire time though the baby thinks that his situation is worse and why is the father taking so long to return the bottle. 

May these words be in the merit of a refuah shelaimah for Miriam bas Gittel

Shabbat Shalom,
