Beyond Twelve
Gates Parshas
Yisro February 5, 2010
Welcome to Beyond Twelve
Gates. Guess what I found for you -- a message from G-d!
From: G-D
Reference: LIFE
Long time no speak. This is
G-d. Remember me? I just wanted you to know that today I will be handling all
of your problems for you. I do not need your help. I've gotten pretty good at
Now, you have a nice day.
Love always,
P.S. And, remember...
If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, you do
not have to worry about attempting to resolve it yourself. Kindly put it
in the SFGTD (something for G-d to do) box.. Once the
matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. I will
get to it in MY TIME. All situations will be resolved, but in My time, not yours. Yes, I know you think that you have
deadlines, but I have a little pull in the universe and things generally happen
around My time. It’s the way I made it. So don't
worry, instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life
Yisro Exodus 18:1 -- 20:23
Yisro begins with Moses'
father-in-law, Yisro, arriving at the Jewish people's camp in the desert, where
he is greeted warmly by a large entourage. Yisro was inspired to join
them when he heard about all of the wonders and miracles which G-d performed
for the Jewish people during the exodus from Egypt.
Upon witnessing Moses serving as the people's sole judge from dawn until dusk,
Yisro declares that this system will never work. He therefore suggests
that subordinate judges be appointed to adjudicate the lower cases. Moses
agrees to this plan.
The Jewish people arrive at Mt.
(the mountain, not the hospital) and prepare to receive the Torah. Moses
ascends the mountain and G-d tells him to convey to the people that
they will be to Him a treasure from amongst the nations. After three
days of preparation, the appointed moment of revelation finally arrives.
Amidst thunder, lightning and the sound of the shofar, G-d descends upon the
mountain and proclaims -- with the entire Jewish people listening -- the
Ten Commandments. Moses then ascends the mountain to receive the
remainder of the Torah from G-d, both written and oral segments. The
portion concludes with several mitzvos concerning the construction of the altar
in the Temple.
Rabbinic Ruminations
Kindness, or chesed,
can take many forms. I'd like to share with you a beautiful story that I
recently came across concerning Fiorello H. La Guardia (who was born of a
Jewish mother), New
York City's mayor in
1935. You've heard of the airport -- now, learn something about the man
after whom it was named!
One night La
Guardia showed up in court in the poorest area of New York City
and suggested the judge go home for the evening as he took over the
bench. The mayor's first case involved an
elderly woman arrested for stealing bread. When asked whether she was
innocent or guilty, this soft reply was offered, "I needed the bread, Your
Honor, to feed my grandchildren." "I've no option but to punish
you," La Guardia responded. "Ten
dollars or ten days in jail."
Proclaiming the sentence, he
simultaneously threw $10 into his hat. La Guardia then fined every person
in the courtroom 50 cents for living in a city "where a grandmother has to
steal food to feed her grandchildren." Imagine the surprise of those
in the room, who probably thought this was an open-and-shut case. When
all had contributed their 50 cents, the woman paid her fine and left the
courtroom with an additional $47.50. Let us look around -- to
whom will we show a chesed like that experienced by the
Quote of the Week
No one should see how laws or
sausages are made --- Otto von Bismarck
Joke of the Week
Mr. Popowitz is called as a
witness in a trial.
"How old are you?"
asks the D.A.
"I am,
kaynahoreh, ninety-one."
"Excuse me? What did you
"I said, I am, kaynahoreh,
ninety-one years old."
"Sir, please just answer
the question with no embellishments. I ask you again, How
old are you!?"
"I told you. Kaynahoreh,
I'm ninety-one."
The D.A. is very angry. The
judge is also losing his patience. He instructs: "The witness will answer
the question simply and plainly or be held in contempt of court!"
The defense lawyer, Mr.
Cohen, rises and approaches the bench.
"Your Honor, I think I
can resolve this. May I ask?"
"If you can get this
trial moving, please, be my guest."
"Mr. Popowitz, let me
ask - kaynahoreh, how old are you?"
Popowitz replies:
kaynahoreh means: the evil eye should have no effect)
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a friend. Thanks to Alan Haber for his assistance in distributing BTG