Mazel Tov to Our Rabbi Emeritus, Rabbi Ze’ev Smason

Mazel Tov to Our Rabbi Emeritus, Rabbi Ze’ev Smason

A long-time officer and Midwestern Regional Vice President of the prestigious Coalition for Jewish Values, Rabbi Smason was recently appointed Chairman of the newly formed Coalition for Jewish Values – Missouri (CJV-MO). In partnership with a talented array of writers, legislative advocates, and support from the national office, CJV-MO will bring to the St. Louis community (and beyond!)…

rapeseed flower

In Celebration Of Rachael Pevnick – Rabbi Smason’s Tribute

We’re here to honor the 40th anniversary of Rachael Pevnick’s 50th birthday. What a milestone! Rachael has been blessed with wonderful children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. So what better way to begin than to share the following thought about grandmothers: An 8-year-old wrote, “A grandmother is a lady who has no children of her own, so…