BENNU’S JOURNEY - Heavy Bombardment

Journey Through the Chumash, Tuesdays at 12:00 pm

We are very excited to announce a new class, beginning this Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2022. Rabbi Chaim Bogopulsky will guide us on a journey through the Chumash! Class meets downstairs in the Feigenbaum-Pepose Multipurpose room, every Tuesday at Noon. Please join us on this amazing journey of learning Journey through the Chumash, Tuesdays at 12:00…

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Annual Membership Meeting and Election of Officers Sunday

Annual Membership Meeting and Election of Officers Sunday, Nov. 13, 11:00 am Did you ever wonder how the officers of NHBZ are elected?Do you want to have a say in the future direction of NHBZ?Do you want to express your opinions to the Board of Directors? You are invited to attend the Annual Membership Meeting…

JUMP – Jewish Unity Mentoring Program

JUMP – Jewish Unity Mentoring Program

JUMP – Jewish Unity Mentoring Program
Boys ages 8-13 have the opportunity to: Increase Jewish knowledge in a friendly and positive atmosphere.
Pair up with fun, enthusiastic mentors from Missouri Torah institute.
For more information contact Rabbi Efraim Fromowitz at 917-587-2425 or 

Four Questions with Vivian Zarkowsky

Four Questions with Vivian Zarkowsky

THE FOUR QUESTIONS “I am a native of St. Louis and have been a member of NHBZ since High School! Alan and I married in 1973. I am the proud Mother of two wonderful sons, Mother-in-Law of two wonderful daughters-in-law, and Grandmother to the six most precious grandchildren. I am now retired after successfully running…

Four Questions with Shirley Bluestein

Four Questions with Shirley Bluestein

THE FOUR QUESTIONS Originally from Boston, MA, Shirley met Sam Bluestein here in St. Louis at his sister’s wedding. Celebrating their 68th year of marriage, they reared 4 children and have 10 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren.  SHIRLEY BLUESTEIN  The Questions: 1. Who is your favorite Torah personality and why?A. “Moses. He was a humble man…

Four Questions with Rabbi Ze’ev Smason and Rebbitzen Chani Smason

Four Questions with Rabbi Ze’ev Smason and Rebbitzen Chani Smason

THE FOUR QUESTIONS The Rabbi of Nusach Hari Bnai Zion for the past twenty-five years, he guided and accompanied us through life cycle events, laughed and cried with us, challenged our minds, and answered our questions. Thank you, Rabbi Smason, for everything! RABBI ZE’EV SMASON The Questions: 1. Who is your favorite Torah personality and…