silhouette of tree near body of water during golden hour

NHBZ Yom Kippur Appeal – 2024/5785

NHBZ Yom Kippur Appeal – 2024/5785
Yom Kippur Appeal: Embracing the Divine Challenge of Tzedakah

Dear Members and Friends,

As we stand on the threshold of the new year, we are reminded of the profound opportunities this sacred season provides. Yom Kippur is not just a day of reflection and repentance; it is a time to recommit ourselves to the values that define us as a community—faith, unity, and generosity. This past year, Nusach Hari B’nai Zion has been a beacon of spiritual growth, education, and community connection. We have celebrated several Bar Mitzvah simchas, hosted many community- wide events, and marked milestones that have brought joy to us all.

However, maintaining and growing our vibrant community requires resources. Your generous donations and gifts have been the lifeblood of our congregation, enabling us to continue our vital missions of in-reach and outreach, and ensuring that no Jew is left behind. As we face new challenges and embrace new opportunities, we need your support now more than ever. We ask you to consider fulfilling the mitzvah of Tzedakah during this critical moment in the Jewish calendar. Your contributions will help us sustain our programs, enhance our services, and ensure the spiritual and physical wellbeing of our shul. Let us remember that charity is one of the pillars of
these holy days—Repentance, Prayer, and Charity can change our fate and inscribe us in the Book of Life.

We are specifically reminded of the unique and powerful place that the mitzvah of Tzedakah holds in our Jewish tradition. Tzedakah is not just an act of charity; it is a profound expression of faith and trust in Hashem. It is so important that it is the only mitzvah where we are permitted—and even encouraged—to challenge Hashem directly. This remarkable principle is rooted in the words of the prophet Malachi, who declares:

“Bring the full tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and thereby put Me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.” (Malachi 3:10)

This verse is extraordinary because, in every other area of life, we are taught to act with humility, never presuming to challenge the divine will. Yet, when it comes to Tzedakah, Hashem invites us to test Him. Why? Because giving Tzedakah is more than a charitable deed; it is a covenantal act that connects us directly with the divine attributes of kindness, justice, and generosity.

By giving Tzedakah, we engage in an act of trust and partnership with Hashem. The Torah teaches us that Tzedakah sustains the world, elevates the giver, and transforms communities. When we give, we fulfill a divine promise, participating in the spiritual economy of blessing and abundance. Hashem assures us that our generosity will be met with His boundless blessings, and He encourages us to put this promise to the test. This is not an invitation to doubt but a profound call to action—a call to believe in the transformative power of our deeds.

Our sages further emphasize this point in the Talmud, stating, “Tzedakah is equal to all the other mitzvot combined.” (Bava Batra 9a). This statement highlights the extraordinary impact of Tzedakah. It is a mitzvah that can change our fate, alter divine decrees, and bring redemption to our lives and the world around us.

As we approach Yom Kippur, a time of introspection, repentance, and renewal, let us seize the opportunity to challenge Hashem with Tzedakah. Let us give with full hearts and open hands, confident in the promise that our generosity will bring blessings not only to ourselves but to our entire community.

Nusach Hari B’nai Zion relies on your support to continue our sacred work of spiritual growth, education, and community building. Your contributions enable us to provide meaningful services, vibrant programs for all ages, and support to those in need. By giving generously to our Yom Kippur appeal, you are not only fulfilling a mitzvah, but you are also participating in a divine partnership that sustains our congregation and enriches our lives.

Let us together embrace the mitzvah of Tzedakah, knowing that through this act, we are testing Hashem with faith and conviction.

Please note that we are not having an anniversary dinner this year, so the financial need is greater now than ever. Keep in mind that we will have significant expenses in the tail end of the calendar year, such as bringing in the rabbinical candidates for the congregation to meet. Accordingly, I ask that you donate generously to our Yom Kippur appeal.

Contributions can be made by mailing a check, calling the office, or going online to our website. You can also make donations by gifting appreciated stock from your brokerage account or charitable foundation. Additionally, consider making dedications to honor loved ones or celebrate special occasions, allowing others to be recognized in our communal prayers and activities. Further, consider leaving a gift to NHBZ in your estate planning.

This is our moment to come together, to lift each other up, and to make a lasting impact. Let us continue to build on the strength of our past 100+ years, ensuring a thriving future for Nusach Hari B’nai Zion.

May you and your loved ones be inscribed in the Book of Life for a year of health, happiness, and prosperity. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our shul.

G’mar Chatima Tova,
Dan Winograd, Shul Vice-President
Nusach Hari B’nai Zion

Nusach Hari B’nai Zion Yom Kippur Appeal 2024

  • NHBZ operating expenses keep growing with inflation
  • We continue to trim the budget and cut costs
  • Costs include children’s programming, adult education, outreach programming, building and grounds maintenance, staff salaries, and much more
  • Member dues cover less than 1/3 of the budget
  • We depend on your generosity for the remaining 2/3

Help our Shul!

Donate to the 2024 Yom Kippur appeal

We accept check, credit card, PayPal, donor-advisory fund, stock transfer, IRA distribution, or visit for an easy online payment. You may give in honor of a family member or friend, or in memory of a loved one, or to sponsor a program. Contact the office if you have any questions.

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