silhouette of tree near body of water during golden hour
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NHBZ Yom Kippur Appeal – 2024/5785

Dear Members and Friends,

It was wonderful to see everyone at shul over the High Holidays. I hope you all had a meaningful and inspirational experience. As always, Elie Needle did a beautiful job as our Chazzan, enhancing the spiritual atmosphere of our services. This year was especially impactful, with the dynamic, engaging, and wisdom-filled leadership of Rabbi Shmuel Miller guiding us through both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

As you know, unlike many other synagogues, NHBZ does not require tickets to attend services. We are open to all Jews, creating an inclusive environment that welcomes everyone. However, providing these deeply enriching Jewish experiences for our community and building a future legacy takes resources.

As I mentioned during my Yom Kippur appeal, the world rests on three pillars: Teshuva (repentance), Tefilla (prayer), and Tzedakah (charity). While Teshuva and Tefilla are personal, introspective processes, Tzedakah is the tangible, outward expression of our spiritual journey. By giving to our community, we demonstrate our commitment to making a real difference and living out the values we’ve reflected on during these sacred days.

Let’s start the year off right by fulfilling the commitments we made during the Ten Days of Repentance and supporting NHBZ in its mission to serve, inspire, and grow.

Looking forward to seeing everyone

Wishing you a Shana Tova U’Metuka – a sweet, healthy, and prosperous year ahead! We look forward to seeing everyone for the upcoming Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah chagim.

Dan Winograd

NHBZ Vice President

G’mar Chatima Tova,
Dan Winograd, Shul Vice-President
Nusach Hari B’nai Zion

Nusach Hari B’nai Zion Yom Kippur Appeal 2024

  • NHBZ operating expenses keep growing with inflation
  • We continue to trim the budget and cut costs
  • Costs include children’s programming, adult education, outreach programming, building and grounds maintenance, staff salaries, and much more
  • Member dues cover less than 1/3 of the budget
  • We depend on your generosity for the remaining 2/3

Help our Shul!

Donate to the 2024 Yom Kippur appeal

We accept check, credit card, PayPal, donor-advisory fund, stock transfer, IRA distribution, or visit for an easy online payment. You may give in honor of a family member or friend, or in memory of a loved one, or to sponsor a program. Contact the office if you have any questions.

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