The Four Questions – Jennifer (“Jenn”) Cohen

One of our newest members, we are pleased to introduce:


“Jenn grew up in New York City where she and Sandy met and started their family. Though she is often “cawt” still saying words like “cawfee”, and “tawk”, she has made St. Louis her home since 2013. When she is not multi-tasking between her 3 energetic boys, her military husband, and her job as an office manager at a chiropractor’s office, she is, well, we wouldn’t know!”

The Questions:

Jennifer (“Jenn”) Cohen and Family
  1. Who is your favorite Torah personality and why?
    A: “My favorite Torah personality is Yehudit who saved her town of Bethulia during the time of the Maccabean revolt against Syrian oppression. Just as the men in her town were ready to surrender she reminded them that “if you truly have faith in G-d you must never give up your trust in Him”. She took it upon herself to charm and trick the Greek General Holofernes and eventually beheaded him leading to the defeat of his army and victory for the Jews in her town. This story teaches us two things:
    • No one gets a job done like a fierce woman and
    • Don’t get on a woman’s bad side while there are sharp objects around.”
  2. What is your favorite snack food?
    A: “Does wine on Shabbat qualify? There is something about settling down with my favorite people and my family (Just kidding! My favorite people are my family.) after a hectic week and enjoying the Kiddish. After a week of constant go and hustle, that calm after the storm is invaluable.”
  3. What is your personal motto?
    A: “As cliche as the saying may be, I often use the quote, “Be the change you want to
    see in the world”. It is easy to complain about the people and world around us and
    accept it as status quo but sometimes all it takes is being the positive force in a situation
    to transform everyone and everything around us for the better.”
  4. What inspires you?
    A: “What inspires me are people who are indiscriminately happy no matter what they are facing. It is a huge Mitzvah to be happy but for many, it is easier said than done. I feel very inspired whenever I have the privilege of encountering or reading about amazing people who remain joyful and giving despite their unimaginable adversity.”

Thank you, Jenn! Thanks for giving us some insight into what makes you tick!

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