Yom Kippur – October 11-12 • 9-10 Tishrei 5784

Yom Kippur Newsletter (PDF)

Candle Lighting Before 6:10 pm • Fast Concludes Shabbos, October 12, 7:06 pm

Friday, Erev Yom Kippur, October 11

7:00 am Shachris
1:30 pm Mincha
6:10 pm Fast begins – before 6:10 Candle Lighting (Light at home, No Candle Lighting at NHBZ)
6:10 pm Kol Nidre followed by Maariv

Shabbos, Yom Kippur, October 12

8:30 am Shachris
11:00 am Drasha by Shmuel MIller
11:15 am Approximately Yizkor
Musaf following Yizkor

4:15 pm Mincha
5:30 pm Neila
6:50 Ma’ariv
7:06 pm Shabbos/Fast Concludes
Shofar Sounded followed by Havdalah

Important Notice: If you are going to make Havdalah at home please remember to light a candle that will last until the fast is over. Yom Kippur Havdalah should be from an existing light.

Shabbos Programming

10:00 am Educational Service
10:00 am to 12:30 pm Children’s

Torah Portion

Leviticus 16:1–34
Numbers 29:7–11
Isaiah 57:14–58:14

Machzor pp. 452–456
Machzor p. 458-460
Machzor pp. 462–464

Stone Chumash pp. 636–644
Stone Chumash pp. 894
Stone Chumash pp. 1237

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