Four Questions – Jesse Barash


We are very pleased (and thankful that he accepted our invitation!) to introduce:


“My wife, Debbie, grew up in Olivette, but I am an import from Kansas City. We joined NHBZ after being members at two other congregations that eventually did not fit our needs. We enjoy the kindness and openness of our fellow congregants and have been BIG proponents of both Synaplex and Rabbi Smason’s weekly Shabbat program, ‘Starting Points.’”

(*Editorial Remark: Quite tempted to shout, “GO Cubs!” 🤣

The Questions:

1. Who is your favorite Torah personality and why?
A. “My favorite Torah personality is Isaac, given that his Hebrew Name, Yitzhak, means “laughter.” This was my Father-in-Law’s name, and he was always one to make you laugh. As I recall, Sarah laughed when she found out that she was finally going to bear a child which is how Isaac’s name came to be. This is very consistent with one of my personal mottos, ‘Never give up!’ Isaac was born to Sarah who never gave up on the hope of becoming a mother.’”

2. What is your favorite snack food?
A. “Anything salty and crunchy; I am definitely a carb person.”

3. Three words that best describe you?
A. “There are just some days when you have to create your own sunshine!”

4. What inspires you?
A: “I am inspired by my parents who were Holocaust survivors, by my two adult children and by my wife, Debbie. She is one of the most positive people I know.”

Thank you, Jesse! Let’s see who we get to meet next week!

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