Four Questions with Rabbi Ze’ev Smason and Rebbitzen Chani Smason


The Rabbi of Nusach Hari Bnai Zion for the past twenty-five years, he guided and accompanied us through life cycle events, laughed and cried with us, challenged our minds, and answered our questions. Thank you, Rabbi Smason, for everything!


The Questions:

1. Who is your favorite Torah personality and why?
A. “Dovid HaMelech, King David. King David experienced the totality of the human experience; from rejection at birth, persecution, bitter loss, and near death and feeling distant from G-d to exultation, joy, the ascent to royalty, intimacy with G-d and prophecy, and every other emotion and experience in between. And not once did he lose his faith in HaShem. We have the Book of Samuel and his Book of Psalms to guide us in his ways.”

2. What is your favorite snack food?
A. “Grapes. Green. (shaken, not stirred, optional).”

3. What is your personal motto?
A. “It is a wretched taste to be gratified with mediocrity when the excellent lies before us.”
Isaac D’Israeli

4. What inspires you?
A: “My wife.”


The Questions:

1. Who is your favorite Torah personality and why?
A. ”The Snake, because he exemplifies true justice.”

2. What is your favorite snack food?
A: “TUMS.”

3. What is your personal motto?
A: “Gam Zu L’Tovah” (“This, too, is for the best!”)

4. What inspires you?
A: “My husband’s patience and wisdom.”

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