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Rabbi Uri Lati at NHBZ – Glow of Success

Rabbi Uri Lati
Rabbi Uri Lati 

Inspiring. Insightful. Thought-provoking. Rabbi Uri Lati shared his wisdom and humor (for those in attendance, by using his voice!) with great enthusiasm. He exhibited an obvious love for what he does, and a genuine interest in connecting with those around him.

Again, we thank our generous hosts and sponsors of Rabbi Lati’s visit, Zev & Arin Rosenberg.

We also have them to thank for bringing in our Special Guest Chef, Joshua Weisel. Thank you, Josh, for the delicious lunch (and your flexibility). Thanks goes to Boris Yasinev for serving as Mashgiach.

Seeing so many of you for the first time in quite a while was the icing on the cake. Thanks to all members and guests who attended this wonderful weekend event, in honor of Boris Yasinev’s birthday, and the Yahrzeit of Goldie Rickerman. May her memory be a blessing.
(Borrowed from the Shabbos Bulletin)

Find out more about Rabbi Uri Lati via his webpage: http://urilati.com/


It was with great honor that NHBZ welcomed internationally acclaimed Rabbi Uri Lati to our Shul. Rabbi Lati will join us for a Moroccan-themed luncheon, offering D’veiri Torah at morning services, lunch, and Shalosh Seudos. Please RSVP to office@nhbz.org for lunch. Sponsorships in any amount are appreciated. Stay tuned for topics and more details.

As described in his introduction on torahanytime.com, “[Rabbi] Uri Lati has been giving shiurim in both the English and Arabic languages for over 18 years. He focuses on Emunah and Ahabat Yisrael.”

Born in Damascus, Syria, Rabbi Lati came to the United States at age 4. Raised in Brooklyn, NY, he attended Magen David Yeshiva from nursery school through 12th Grade. He studied at Brooklyn College for 1 year, then learned at and graduated Yeshiva Mikdash Melech, Jerusalem.

After returning to the U.S., Rabbi Lati worked during the day and continued his learning and teaching at night. He has resumed working on his previously postponed Semicha.

Please plan to join us for this very special learning opportunity! Our profound thanks to Zev & Arin Rosenberg & family for arranging and generously sponsoring the teaching portion of this weekend of Shiurum, and for hosting Rabbi Lati and his family.

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